Bio Nutrition Kidney Bladder Wellness is made with the finest quality ingredients and is designed to support Kidney and Urinary Tract Health.*
Bio Nutrition Kidney Bladder Wellness esta hecho con ingredients de la mejor calidad y esta disenado para apoyar la salud de los rinones y del tracto urinario.
Suggested use: For daily use take two (2) capsules after the evening meal or before bed with a full glass of water. Recommended may be increased by consulting a health care professional.
Indicacion: Para el uso diario tomar dos (2) capsulas despues de la cena o antes de acostarse con un vaso lleno de agua. La dosis recomendad se puede aumentar consultando a un profesional de la salud.
Free of gluten, yeast, corn, dairy, sugar, salt, wheat, soy, and preservatives.
*These statements have no been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.
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